Wadmore Park Bushfire Management
The City of Campbelltown was required to prepare and implement a Fire Management Plan for Wadmore Park.
A draft Fire Management Plan had been prepared which aimed to find an acceptable balance between protecting areas of biodiversity significance whilst mitigating the threat and potential damage of fire to both neighbouring and nearby residents.
Council wanted to gain an understanding of the perceived impact and level of acceptance of the Plan requirements by the community and consequently sought feedback on the draft Plan
Becky Hirst, in partnership with Bushfire Safety and Prevention Solutions was engaged to plan, deliver and collate responses from the community engagement activity. Their aim was to provide straightforward, transparent, interactive and accessible ways for all stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft Wadmore Park/Pulyonna Wirra Fire Management Pla
A variety of tools were used to undertake the community engagement activity –
– Plain English Information & Feedback sheets
– “Meeting Marketplace” at Foxfield Oval Hall
– Community Panel Online survey
– Council website, including YouTube promotional video
– Written submissions